First of all - it's crazy. Not as much as in Morocco (no donkey-pulled carriages), but still about the level you can see in Albania. Almost no drivers take care about the others and vast majority can't predict anything (or at least act like that). My appologies to all good mexican drivers. So what have I seen here so far:
- a civil car with a siren - no clue what that could mean, no roof light, nobody in a uniform inside, just wailing
- red front parking lights
- blue indicators
- double solid line doesn't mean you can't overtake
- if the bus driver wants, goes on the red light...sometimes because he wants to drop somebody off on the crossroad
- during one week i saw two Porsche 356
and later even this
- you can see something near to a monster truck here
- sometimes there are police/army roadblocks
- in Mexico some drivers turn left on the red light
- police cars' rooflights are on all the time
- how to turn right on a 5-lane one-way road, when you remember too late you wanted to turn:
- stop in the lane where driving
- slowly reverse into the very left lane
- when it seems possible, cross the other 4 lanes and finish the manoeuvre
- all the situations can be solved by honking, especially when waiting for the green light
- to move aside to make some space for an ambulance is something almost unknown
- indicators: NEVER trust that the car will go the way it indicates - it's a trap. usually nobody uses it but if so, usually uses all of them at once
- probably anything can get a registration number
- another country, where they can't simply write STOP
- I was told that in Mexico city they don't need to pass a drivind test, you simply get the license
- new experince from today: My bus arrived to the bus stop where I usually get off, but because there were about 20 people waiting for it to get on, the driver decided not to open the door. He drove slowly through the crossroad to the other side and there dropped us off. Probably he didn't want to have any more people inside...
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